Archive for March, 2009

March 31, 2009

I came
I saw
I conquered

You came
You saw
I fooled


Dev Patel, marry me!
March 31, 2009

Aaaaah oh my god! I loved Slumdog Millionaire! Holy crap!! Dev Patel, marry me please! He is such a cutie! Everybody should go see this movie. It was great.  The story was original, the actors were great, it was visually very appealing to the eye and the music was AMAZING. A.R. Rahman is very talented!
Anyway, after ther movie my friends and I went for coffe where my brother works. Free coffee! Thanks! 😀
I don’t have much planned for today. I’m just going to clean my room  and wardrobe and watch the latest Gossip Girl episodes since I haven’t bothered watching them. The show is pretty boring apart from Chuck Bass which is the only reason I watch the show. Even the clothes are boring. It feels like I have seen every outfit a million times.
On a happier note the weather is GREAT today! +6 degrees Celsius! YES! Spring is finally here!! 🙂

Slumdog Millionaire
March 30, 2009

I’m about to leave for town soon. Going to chill with some of my friends and then see a movie. We’re watching Slumdog Millionaire so it’s going to be great! I’ve been wanting to see it for a while now. I absolutely adore Dev Patel. He is such a cutie!
Anyway, I’ll be back once I come home again! Ciao!


March 29, 2009

For a while now I have been thinking of writing about an old issue that has proven to be very hard to get rid of. I’m talking about racism of course. A friend of mine showed me a video on youtube that was pretty funny but the discussions around this video and comments made about this video truly pissed me off. I decided that I wanted to speak out about it in my blog but I wanted to calm down first and gather my thoughts. Now, a few weeks have passed and I still don’t know how to go about this subject. It’s hard to write about something so touchy and not get so personal about it. I don’t know what I’m going to write right now but whatever it is that I do write is coming straight from the heart so bare with me.
Racism is a huge problem in Northern Europe. Personally, I don’t feel welcome here at all and I was born here. I used to live in Sweden and I plan on moving back but not because I think that Sweden is the greatest country in the world, but for some other reasons that aren’t worth mentioning now. In a way I look forward to moving back because I have family and friends there. Also, I don’t have to speak English wherever I go and have people barely understand what I say. But I am dreading going back too because I have always felt unwelcome in Sweden. No matter what you do you’re always categorized as the “illegal Turk that sits on their ass all day and lives on the governments money and can barely speak Swedish”. You can’t get away from racism. It’s always there one way or an other. You either get treated like crap, can’t get a job because of your ethnicity and people don’t bother to get to know you because of where you are from. I can’t even count how many times I have heard the argument that the only thing us foreigners do is ruin their lovely country. Well if your country is so lovely and you hate us so much then please stop travelling to our countries and destroy our nature, our culture and respect our values. Please stop taking our inventions and claiming them as your own. Stop eating that banana because it sure as hell isn’t Swedish. Go eat your potatoes and meatballs…but…oh. Damn. Oops! I forgot. Potatoes and meatballs is actually originally a Turkish dish. Foreigners are a part of this place just as much us the original inhabitants. We help build this place, we helped making it what it is today.
I have respected this damn place no matter how badly I have been treated, and it’s time you show me the same respect.

March 29, 2009

How many times have you told yourself that this coming spring/summer/fall/winter you are going to have a killer wardrobe? You go out, shop and come back home feeling happy because you have a bunch of new clothes. And one week later you find yourself having nothing to wear.
Shopping for clothes is hard. I personally can go into a store and fall in love with everything and come back home with a bunch of stuff that I don’t even need. I hate doing this. And for this reason I usually make inspiration palettes. I follow it religiously so that I don’t buy unnecessary things when I go out shopping. It’s really easy to make one. All you really have to do is make a new folder in your computer and save everything that inspires you into it. For me it’s not only clothes that inspire me when it comes to fashion. I often find that pictures of cities, objects, landscape, nature and music inspires me a lot. Your palette isn’t restricted to fashion items only! Anyway, I thought I could give you a glimpse of my palette. I have a bunch of pictures that I have saved into a folder but I can’t post them all here so I just picked a few favourites for spring ’09! If only this damned snow would melt!


I have a headache
March 29, 2009

On Friday all the graduates had dinner with the teachers. It was pretty good. My friend and I went out later and once again it was proven to me that Finnish nightlife sucks. No passion no nothing. Same shit over and over again. Blaaah. That’s the last time that happens.
Anyway I didn’t do much yesterday I just took it easy. I don”t have much to do nowadays because all my courses are over and my new ones start April 6th.
I’ll be back in a few hours, I need to get some posts ready! 😀 Brb! While I’m gone enjoy this song, it’s great! By none other than the man himself, Serdar Ortac! 😀

The list
March 26, 2009

I did a little bit of shopping yesterday. I bought a nice lime green green dress. One problem though. It’s a bit see-through. I wore a skirt under it and it looks fine now but I just don’t know how practical and comfortable it is to wear it under the dress when I am out and about. I might return it…I don’t know. I’m not sure what I want to do. I love the dress though..
Anyway, I have a pychology test tomorrow so I’m just giong to study today. While I am gone I will entertain you with this; the list.

Do you promise to be honest? Of course
Your name: Baharak

Nickname: Bahar, B, Queen KS. 

Song that you listen to when you are sad and want to grieve?Anything by Tarkan

Addicted to:food, water, air, music, dance, shopping (unfortunately), and Tarkan. Oh and soccer too.

Who do you need most right now: I never depend on anybody

What do people think about you? (Bias) That I’m a snobby brat who has everything handed to her by her parents. And that I am gullible.

Is this true?Not at all. I work for what I want and I’m always suspicious to everything and every body’s motives and therefor I am not gullible.

What do you say to impress someone? I’ve never felt the urge to impress somebody. 

How to impress you? Be yourself. Be honest. Be real.

Do you laugh for yourself? All the time

What does your last received text message say?“Haha oh fuck xD jag ska försöka lĂ„ta smart o inte som nĂ„n redneck frĂ„n south”

Where do you live? Hel(l)sinki

Do you like it there: Not at all

Do you own any converse shoes:A pair of turquoise ones with orange, white and silver details. I never use them..

Spirits, cider, wine or beer: I stick to orange juice

Do you usually get too drunk: I’ve never been drunk.

What is your mobile operator: DNA

Are you allergic to anything: Pollen and FOB men

Have you had sex today:I wish

Your next goal in life: graduate and move to Sweden alone

How do you answer your cell phone: Ciao

Who called you last? Emma

What did he/she say? Don’t even remember

Number of hours of sleep last night: 9 h 🙂

Did you sleep alone: Yes…. -,-

Do you arrive on time: Depends on who I am meeting. Iranian = never. Swedish/Finnish = 10 minutes early.

When do you feel good?: When I make somebody else feel good

When were you last photographed: Last Saturday

How do you feel now: A bit stressed

Most common color for your clothes: Anything goes

What do you think of the feet: I don’t mind them..

What are you missing: Good weather 

Did you have a good night last night: It was alright..the usual.

Shave your legs: Yes of course

When do you usually go to bed: Varies a lot. Between 11 pm – 2 am

Are you shy? I used to be but not anymore

Are you doing any sports: I dance

Would you rather have e-mail or letters: e-mail…it’s faster. But a letter now and then wouldn’t be too bad…back to the good old days you know. I remember how when I was little any my mom would write letters to her parents back in Iran she always let me draw something for them. They still have the drawings left. I miss that…

Do you believe in love at first sight: Not at all. To truly love someone you need to experience things together and really understand that person. This takes time.

Have you vomitied public: Eeew no.

What would you do if you were guy/girl for a day: Nothing…these things don’t really interest me

Are you satisfied with your life: Hmm…yes and no. I’m happy and grateful that I have a house to live in, food to eat, clothes on my back and education. But I now I am meant to do other greater things so therefor I am not satisfied with my life…not yet at least. Just wait until I mive out of this shit hole..

Are you spoiled: Not at all

What are you doing tomorrow: Psychology test, then dinner/party with our teachers at night.

What is the worst thing you know?Selfishness, hypocrisy, ignorance, dumbness, lies, backstabbing, FOBs and crappy Scandinavian weather.

How much money you usually spend in a week? Depends on how broke I am

Which celebrity do you think is a good role model?Tarkan. Seriously. Not because I’m obsessed with him. He actually is a good role model. 🙂

What are you looking forward to? Graduating and moving. Also traveling.

Do you have good friends and real friendship? I am very lucky when it comes to friends. I have some very close friends and that is the greatest gift anybody could get

What is the best present you have gotten? The Tarkan trip to Amsterdam and when Tarkan saw me in the crowd.

How old are you: 18, 19 in October

Do you like someone right now: I love people.

In five months: Iwill be studying for my math, history and aesthetics exams.

You collect: Tickets and receipt of places I have been to and things that I have bought.

Green or red apples: Any kind.

Who do you call when you are angry/sad: Closest friends

Do you like golf: Hate it…too slow.

What time did you go up today: 10.40ish

Did you sleep in your own bed tonight: Yup

Do you have socks on right now: Yes

Is it okay to cry: Of course it is

When was the last time you cried: A shed a few tears of happiness at the Tarkan concert. I haven’t shed any tears, neither happy nor sad, since then.

What would you do if you won one million: By a house and travel

Do you wear glasses or contacts: glasses

Do you think it is important to have brandname clothing: nope. if it looks good then it looks good, no matter the brand

When do you get up during weekends?:11ish

Do you have piercings: Nope

Want to get married: Definitely

Want children: Definitely. Two of my own, adopt one.

Are you good at cooking food: NOt a chef or anything but I am pretty good.

Are you afraid of flying: a bit

How agile are you: Very agile… 😀

Are you musical? yes

What do you drink when you’re thirsty: water

What is your favorite ice cream: Anything ben&jerrys. 

Do you believe in life after death: I haven’t decided yet 

Do you like sushi: Disgusting

What do you eat when you watch a movie Popcorn

Your parents live together: yes

Are you afraid of dentists?: Yes…I hate having people shove their hands down my throat

Are you a morning or night person: night person

What color eyes do you have: Chocolate brown

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep: Not that I remember

Bite you nails: Nooo

Do you smoke: Cigarettes? Never. Hookah? Once in a while at parties

How often do you exercise: I just dance

Last song you listened to: Tarkan – Pare pare

March 25, 2009

Good morning sunshine! I woke up about an hour ago by the sound of my cellphone playing Tarkan. Turns out that I had gotten a message from my now ex teacher. She was wondering if I am interested in babysitting her children in order to make some extra cash. Of course I said! So now I am waiting for her to send me an e-mail about what she wants me to do and stuff. I also have to go see that the job doesn’t take up any class time…if it does I might have to ask my teachers if I can study at home instead. Hopefully things will work out fine.
I’m about to go make some breakfast soon but I don’t know what to make. Hehe i-landsproblem as we say in Swedish.



…and it just keeps getting worse
March 24, 2009

I just got my preliminary geography results. 18 points out of 36 (u need 12 to pass). 2 months of studying for this piece of shit result. I f*****g hate this schoolsystem. I hate the bastards that correct these.

March 24, 2009

I just got the preliminary results of my Swedish essay. I thought that I had done great. It’s probably one of the best essays I have ever written. How many points do I get? 40. Out of 60. 40. 40! WTF?!
I’m so incredibly pissed off I just want to go and frickin punch the lights out of the people that correct these essays.
While Swedish isn’t my strongest language I doubt my grammar mistakes could have brought my mark down with 20 frickin points!
Ugh I’m disgusted. Just because you give a different perspective on a subject your marks shouldn’t be brought down because of it. Actually it should be the other way around! Is it my problem that these dumb asses don’t know about the world that surrounds them? I think not.
I had to write about why we cannot have peace in the middle east. And according to these damn people the middle east probably exists of Israel – Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan (which by the way isn’t even in the middle east, it is in Central Asia). Is it seriously my problem that these assholes do not understand that there are other countries in the middle east with other complex problems? Is it really my problem that they probably have never heard of the AKP government of Turkey, or the PKK terrorists or that Iran has an oppressive regime in which its people suffer daily?! If there is anybody here that knows anything about politics in the middle east it is me!! F**K! :@
I’m pissed off!