Archive for March 23rd, 2009

March 23, 2009

Wassup people? I’m slowly trying to get used to blogging again. It’s a bit hard now since it’s been such a long time since I blogged properly.
Right now I’m at home. I just got back from my psychology class. We had a guess today. She was an elderly woman who had just got pensioned.  She just talked about her life and answered some of the questions we asked her. It was quite interesting to listen to her. She seemed to have a lot of experience from life which was really cool to see. It was nice that we got to discuss things we usually never both to talk about with older people.
Anyway, I’m eating a PBJ sandwich at the moment and a glass of OJ. 😀 It’s been a while since I had a PBJ haha I’ve missed it.
