Archive for March 31st, 2009

March 31, 2009

I came
I saw
I conquered

You came
You saw
I fooled


Dev Patel, marry me!
March 31, 2009

Aaaaah oh my god! I loved Slumdog Millionaire! Holy crap!! Dev Patel, marry me please! He is such a cutie! Everybody should go see this movie. It was great.  The story was original, the actors were great, it was visually very appealing to the eye and the music was AMAZING. A.R. Rahman is very talented!
Anyway, after ther movie my friends and I went for coffe where my brother works. Free coffee! Thanks! 😀
I don’t have much planned for today. I’m just going to clean my room  and wardrobe and watch the latest Gossip Girl episodes since I haven’t bothered watching them. The show is pretty boring apart from Chuck Bass which is the only reason I watch the show. Even the clothes are boring. It feels like I have seen every outfit a million times.
On a happier note the weather is GREAT today! +6 degrees Celsius! YES! Spring is finally here!! 🙂